Wednesday 24, July
Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) is a non government, nonprofit and non discriminatory approach organization
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  Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) is a non government, nonprofit and non discriminatory approach organization working for social-economic and political
development of Pakistan registered under Societies Act 1860.
  CDI Objectives
  1. Enhanced the capacity of communities   to contribute better skills to deal with the social injustice.
2. Increased technical and professional skills of youth groups to play their role for positive socio-political change.
3. Enhanced capacity of local partners, CBOs and youth  to carryout research-based advocacy on human rights, peace and social justice with key stakeholders
4. Raised awareness to promote and protect environment for addressing climate change issues.
5. Improved quality education  with increased and access to opportunities for girls
6. Enhanced capacities of local communities in disaster risk reduction and protection of livelihood means.
  CDI Values
  1. Commitment
2. Tolerance
3. Peace
4. Gender Sensitivity
5. Loyalty
6. Integrity